Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lumbriculus variegatus?

Lumbriculus variegatus is an aquatic invertebrate often found in lakes, marshes and ponds. A widespread species found in the UK, L. variegatus like Lumbriculus terrestris (Common earthworm) possess regenerative capabilities. Our laboratory is also studying the effects of various pharmaceutical drugs on segmental regeneration. 

Why do we use Lumbriculus variegatus?

As L. variegatus is an invertebrate species, it is not protected under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. As other annelid model organisms such as C. elegans have proven to be monumental in scientific research throughout history, we hope to utilise L. variegatus as an ecotoxicological model organism to study the behavioural and cellular effects of drugs.  

Can we use Lumbriculus variegatus at our own Institution?

L. variegatus are easy to grow and maintain, as outlined in our proof-of-concept paper. These can be easily cultured for education and research purposes without expensive equipment, or alternatively SWIRL are happy to share cultures should you wish to work with us on a project. 

What is MIDBIT?

MIDBIT is our educational tool for using L. variegatus within an education setting, replicating a multi-centre drug trial. This is, as far as we know, the world's first multi-centre student-led drug trial using whole organisms. Students test blinded drug compounds on L. variegatus gaining relevant in vivo skills and contributing to the knowledge base of L. variegatus. 

Can my own Institution get involved with MIDBIT?

SWIRL is always excited to work with new teams and Institutions. If you are interested in using MIDBIT within your own Institutions then get in touch via our email ( and we can assist you in delivering this class; providing cultures, drugs, protocols and teaching materials. 

As a student, can I get involved with SWIRL?

SWIRL is always excited to welcome new students into our group. If our work interests you and you want to get involved then get in touch via our email ( and we can discuss any opportunities with you

For further questions or enquiries please contact us via email: